64bit version

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64bit version

Starting with version 10, vpxPrint is also available as a 64bit software.

Main interests of a 64bit version:

You can use a dll or an Active-X from a 64bit software, this is the more important.

The process is more efficient, close from the CPU,

More addressing space


With Unicode, the version 10 of vpxPrint is a major version.


First visible difference win32/win64, the setup of the 64bit version has a different color scheme:






The installation directory is "Program Files" and not "Program Files (x86)" as with the 32bit version.



The installation directory contains two subfolders, Win32 and sysow64 (if your system has a 64bit OS).


These folders contain the files for the 32 and 64bit environments:






You will be prompted:




A 32bit program can not load a 64bit dll, a 64bit program can not load a 32bit dll. If you run the install program in a 64bit environment, the two versions (32 and 64) are installed.

If your OS is 64bit system and depending if your software is 32 or 64bit, xprint.dll and xprbin.dll will be automatically loaded by Windows from the sysWOW64 for 32bit or from system32 for 64bit programs.

